
Become a stakeholder in the preservation of a wisdom tradition

This 20th Taste and Tribute marks a truly momentous year for TAP, sponsoring the shipment of more than 3,000 sets of Kangyur, a precious text collection containing 133 volumes per set. These texts will be distributed in January, 2024 at the 35th Nyingma Monlam in Bodh Gaya, India to thousands of monasteries and centers of learning across the entire Tibetan exile community in India, Nepal, and Bhutan.

Since the 8th century, the Tibetan Kangyur has been the foundation for study and practice in Tibet. Sharing these texts with the exile communities preserves not only their heritage but upholds the Tibetan language in a time of extraordinary challenge to the continuity of their unique culture and tradition.

Your generosity directly supports a living tradition of wisdom and compassion. With your kind support, you become a vital stakeholder in the preservation of a wisdom tradition.

By giving these texts away to monks, nuns, and laypeople, you are ensuring the transmission of higher knowledge that supports the enlightenment of the individual and society and recognizes the interdependence of all living beings on this planet.

These texts are the basis of a rich and vibrant tradition of philosophy and meditative practice that free us from habitual conditioning and generate well-being, insight, and a profound commitment to the highest altruism.

We hope you will join us once again for a delightful and truly meaningful evening together.

Learn more about Tibetan Aid Project:

Sharing these texts with the Tibetan exile communities preserves not only their heritage but upholds the Tibetan language in a time of extraordinary challenge to the continuity of their unique culture and tradition.